
Why obtaining Kosher Certification?

Kosher market is the segment with the highest growth in the food industry, valued at $13 thousand million and expanding in more than 10% every year. Placed side by side in the gondolas, kosher products sell 11% more than non-Kosher competitor brands.

What is boosting this growth?

Quality: 1 in 5 buyers purchase Kosher products for their higher quality and food safety. Having your products certified means they have been under strict inspections and that they have been produced within Kosher limits.

Faith: Kosher laws comply with the religious dietary rules of one-fifth of the world population. In fact, religious Jewish, Muslims and other faithful throughout the world buy Kosher to comply with their religious obligations.

Health: people with health restrictions such as allergies to some foods buy Kosher products because the certification process often guarantees that a product does not include what it shouldn’t include.

Becoming Kosher means placing your product in this market.

In 2012, an American standard supermarket purchased an average of 19,000 kosher products; it is not surprising that recent studies showed that more than 12 million of buyers purchase kosher products very often or exclusively. When taking into account non-Jewish buyers, who for some religious or health reason prefer Kosher products, they surpass the 40 million.

The variety of Kosher products has expanded remarkably.

Hundreds of thousands of products, from the most basic tinned ones to gourmet cuisine, mass production products and handmade baked products, display the confidence of the KV KOSHER CERTIFICATION symbol.

When your company becomes Kosher, you enter a new market which has never been bigger and which grows every day. We look forward to partnering with you to make these possibilities for your company reality.

Market awareness: displaying the KV KOSHER CERTIFICATION symbol on your product is a top marketing strategy to ALL Kosher segments.

Return on Investment (ROI): we work closely with you to ensure the Best Return On Investment.

Return on Ignoring (ROI): we provide insight and information to help you respond to what consumers want.

We know that all of these and other factor enter into your decision about Kosher certification and we are happy to answer any questions you have.

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